BLH Staff
National Efforts to Prevent Heart Disease
The Nation’s Urgency to Address the Youth E-Cigarette Epidemic
Thanks to dedicated public health efforts, cigarette smoking is at an all-time low among U.S. adults.
Healthy People 2020 Prioritizes Improved Health Literacy
Have you ever left a doctor’s office and felt confused about what the doctor said? The ability to understand a doctor’s instructions is directly tied to an individual’s overall health, daily health habits, and his or her recovery rate from a specific condition. Understanding a doctor’s instructions and interpreting public health information is called “health literacy,” and it significantly impacts individual health levels and health costs.
The Opioid Epidemic: Updates and Promising Future Research
Opioid abuse and addiction remains a serious problem in the United States, contributing greatly to the nation’s disease burden. The most recent data indicate that in 2018, about 1.2 million people in the United States aged 12 and older had an opioid use disorder, and 526,000 suffered from a heroin use disorder.
BLH wins new Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) work
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently contracted with BLH Technologies, Inc. (BLH) to code Vietnam era combat operations data for use in integrating the data into the Official Military Archives Report (OMAR) system. OMAR is a new system implemented by the VA and used to expedite the verification process for veteran mental health claims. Processing of mental health claims can be a complex process and can take in excess of more than six weeks.
The Power of Collaboration
In 1981, David Bowie and Freddie Mercury had a jam session leading to their collaboration on “Under Pressure”—critically regarded as one of the greatest songs of the era. While both artists are well accomplished, their coming together created a musical masterpiece.
Using Data Analytics to Prepare in Advance for Natural Disasters
We like to think we are relatively safe from harm in the United States, but actually, we can do little to prevent natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, or fires. What we can do, however, is to prepare for potential natural disasters so that we continually improve our ability to quickly react and effectively help when such tragedies occur.
Active two-way communication with your doctor leads to quality care
How often have you felt that way after leaving the doctor’s office? After the hustle and bustle of scheduling and getting to the doctor’s office, you can easily forget to ask some questions once face-to-face with your doctor.
The Sandwich Generation: Caring for Children and Aging Parents
If you’re a member of the Sandwich Generation, you know the stresses of caring both for children and an aging parent. While the rewards can be many, most of them are long-term, which means daily life is usually filled with long lists of responsibilities.